Complexe Desjardins

Montréal, Québec

Digital Displays, Posters

Complexe Desjardins is a pleasant and bright shopping center. Located in downtown Montreal, in the heart of the Quartier des Spectacles, it offers privileged access to all its cultural activities. There are 110 shops and restaurants, a sports center, 3 office towers and a large public square where over 200 activities take place each year. A luxury hotel is even adjacent. A must in downtown Montreal.

General informations
Annual traffic 12,775,000
Number of stores 110
Gross area 300,000 ft²
Time spent per visit 66.4 minutes
Number of visits per month 5.0
Average purchase during a visit $ 68.80
Market population 1,090,411
Average household income $ 48,604
Source : The centres / Monday Report
  • Posters
  • Digital Displays
  • Specialty Media

150 Rue Ste-Catherine O Montréal,
Québec, Canada, H2X 3Y2